For now it is not extra big, but I hope with time it will expand.
The biggest problem I have are the money (of course), it is hard to get items I want in local stores here in Slovakia. Lucky, we live in times when it is easy to order something from online stores, but it have a little big hitch and that is the shipping costs. The shipping cost can be near to the price of the product or make a significant proportion of the whole price. Or in some cases it is even more then the price of the product.
Also the items, mostly the figures I want are really expensive on the Slovak conditions. To pay around 120€ for a figure is a lot, I mean really a lot (I also need to live from something).
List of collections:
- Shirow Masamune
- Ghost in the Shell
- Appleseed
- IkkiTousen
- Bakuretsu Tenshi
- Artbooks
- Figures
- DVD/Blu-ray
Photo gallery
I'm happy that I could mange to make pretty big collection of works by 士郎正宗 (Shirow Masamune), and I hope I will get more to this collection. What I really miss, is the manga Appleseed Vol.1.
- Manga:
- Ghost in the Shell
- Ghost in the Shell (Bilingual (EN/JP))
- Ghost in the Shell 1.5 Human-Error Procesor
- Ghost in the Shell 2 Man-Machine Interface
note: also under GitS Collection - Orion
- Appleseed Vol.2 - Vol.4
- Appleseed ID
- Appleseed Hypernotes
- Artbooks:
- Premium Gallery PIECES 1
- PIECES 2 PhantomCats
- PIECES 3 Wild Wet Quest
- PIECES 9 Kokon Togihime Soushi Shu (Hiden)
- Intron Depot 2: BLADES (EN)
- Intron Depot 5: Battalion
- Intron Depot 6: Barb Wire 01
- Intron Depot 7: Barb Wire 02
- Kokin Toguihime Zowashi Shu
- Greaseberries 1
- Greaseberries 2
- PIECES Gem01 攻殻機動隊データ+α
- Calendars:
- 2011 Shirow Masamune Calendar Saber Tooth Cats 3
- 2012 Shirow Masamune Calendar Saber Tooth Cats 4
- 2013 Shirow Masamune Calendar Saber Tooth Cats 5
- 2014 Shirow Masamune Calendar Saber Tooth Cats 6
- Digital (on Android devices):
- 古今伽姫抄1
- 古今伽姫抄2
- Figure:
- Motoko Aramaki (from Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface)
- also under GitS Collection - Cyril Brooklyn
- Space Pirate (from Intron Depot 4)
- Galhound
- more info in figure category
- Motoko Aramaki (from Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface)
- Other:
- Jashin Hunter 2 (novel by 出海まこと)
Now I waiting for the new anime Ghost in the Shell: Arise to be available in EU. This will take some time because it is brand new. Also I would like a complete pack of all four episodes, so I will need to wait a while.
And if the next GitS: SAC manga will be available in local store I will buy it.
I also search for the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (PS2) game for good price.
- Manga:
- Ghost in the Shell (EN (Dark Horse))
- Ghost in the Shell (Bilingual EN/JP)
- Ghost in the Shell 1.5 Human-Error Processor
- Ghost in the Shell 2 Man-Machine Interface
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Episode 1: Section 9
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Episode 2: Testation
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Episode 3: Idolater
- Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Episode 4: ¥€$
- DVD:
- Ghost in the Shell
- Innocence: Ghost in the Shell 2
- Ghost in the Shell SAC [Complete Edition]
- Ghost in the Shell SAC 2nd GiG [Complete Edition]
- Ghost in the Shell SAC - The Laughing Man
- Ghost in the Shell SAC - Individual Eleven
- Ghost in the Shell SAC - Solid State Society
- Blu-ray:
- Ghost in the Shell 2.0
- Innocence: Ghost in the Shell 2
note: both DB's are signed by Mitsuhisa Ishikawa (石川光久), co-founder of Production I.G - Ghost in the Shell Arise: Borders Parts 1 & 2
- Ghost in the Shell Arise: Borders Parts 3 & 4
- Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie
- Games:
- Ghost in the Shell (PS1)
- Ghost in the Shell: Stan Alone Complex (PSP)
- Ghost in the Shell: Stan Alone Complex (PS2)
- Figure:
- Motoko Aramaki (from Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface)
- Motoko Kusanagi (from Ghost in the Shell: SAC)
- Tachikoma (from Ghost in the Shell: SAC)
I can't get the Vol.1 manga!!! No shop offers it... only on DE Amazon I did found it, but it is now over a YEAR that they try to complete my order :-/
- Manga:
- Appleseed Vol.2 - Vol.4
- Appleseed ID
- Appleseed Hypernotes
- DVD:
- Appleseed (2004)
- Appleseed Ex Machina
- Blu-ray:
- Appleseed Alpha
- Games:
- Appleseed EX (PS2)
What I really like to have to this series are more figures, but they are really expensive for me.
- Manga:
- IkkiTousen Ryomou Shimei full color special
- IkkiTousen Kan'u Unchou full color special
- IkkiTousen Chou'un Shiryuu full color special
- IkkiTousen Sonsaku Hakufu full color special
- DVD:
- IkkiTousen Collection
- IkkiTousen: Dragon Destiny Collection
- IkkiTousen: Great Guradians Collection
- IkkiTousen: Xtreme Xecutor Collection (+ Shuugaku Toushi Keppuuroku OVA)
- Games:
- IkkiTousen: Xross Impact
- IkkiTousen: Shining Dragon
- Artbooks:
- Rin-Sin visual art works Rin
- more info in arbooks category
- Rin-Sin visual art works Rin
- Figures:
- Kan'u Unchou
- Ryomou Shimei
- more info in figure category
- Kan'u Unchou
This is not big collection. But I have figures of all main characters.
- Figure:
- Jo
- Meg
- Amy
- Sei
note: more info in figures category
- Jo
- DVD:
- BURST ANGEL The Complete Collection
- Artwork:
- Flamboyant (by Ugetsu Hakua)
other artbooks I own
This is little collection of other artbooks I have. I'm really happy that I could get them.
All the artbooks are from illustrators that I like, all of them have they unique art style & I really like it. To tell the true, I have bought both Moeru! artbooks mostly because they contains illustrations by the artist TANA.
What I really miss here are the artooks by 白亜右月 (Ugetsu Hakua), better sad I would like to have a complete collection of his artworks, something like my Shirow Masamune collection.
- Moeru!
- Moeru! Akuma Jiten ~ Demon Encyclopedia
- Moeru! Megami Jiten ~ Goddess Encyclopedia
- Shouji Sato (Inazuma)
- Shouji Sato - Lightning Pop (佐藤ショウジアートワークスLIGHTNING POP)
illustration from series:
- Highschool of the Dead (学園黙示録)
- Triage X (トリアージX)
- Fire Fire Fire (トリプルファイヤー)
- other & original
- Shouji Sato - Lightning Pop (佐藤ショウジアートワークスLIGHTNING POP)
- Rin-Sin (りんしん)
- Rin-Sin visual art works Rin (りんしん visual art works 凛)
illustration from series:
- Queen's Blade (クイーンズブレイド)
- IkkiTousen (一騎当千)
- Words Worth (ワーズ・ワース)
- other & original
- Rin-Sin visual art works Rin (りんしん visual art works 凛)
- Niθ (Nishii)
- Niθ ART WORKS Ade Sugata Giga (Niθ ART WORKS 艶姿戯画)
illustration from series:
- Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls (百花繚乱サムライガールズ)
- Queen's Blade (クイーンズブレイド)
- Zoku Satsuriku no Jango (続・殺戮のジャンゴ ─地獄の賞金首─)
- other & original
- Niθ ART WORKS Ade Sugata Giga (Niθ ART WORKS 艶姿戯画)
- Tony Taka
- Tony's ARTworks from Shining World
illustration from Shining (シャイニング) game series
- Tony's ARTworks from Shining World
- Cyril Brooklyn (Masamune Shiro Pieces 2 Cyril)
- Series: PIECES 2 (by Shirow Masamune)
- Scale: 1/6
- Manufacture: Arcadia
- Photo: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
- links: Hobby Search
- Motoko Aramaki (Ghost in the shell 2 Aramaki Motoko)
- Series: Ghost in The Shell 2 (manga)
- Scale: 1/8
- Manufacture: Vice
- Photo: 1
- links: Hobby Search
- Space Pirate (Intron Depot 4 Space Pirates)
- Series: Intron Depot 4 (by Shirow Masamune)
- Scale: 1/8
- Manufacture: Beagle
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Galhound
- Series: Intron Depot (by Shirow Masamune)
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Yamato(Vice)
- Photo: n/a
- links: Hobby Search
- Meg (Creators Labo Megu Yamato Ver.)
- Series: Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel)
- Scale: 1/7
- Manufacture: Yamato
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Amy (Amy Vice Ver. 2 pieces)
- Series: Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel)
- Scale: 1/8
- Manufacture: Vice
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Sei
- Series: Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel)
- Scale: 1/8
- Manufacture: Alter
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Jo
- Series: Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel)
- Scale: 1/8
- Manufacture: Alter
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- T-elos (figma T-elos)
- Game: Xenosaga
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Max Factory
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- KOS-MOS (figma KOS-MOS ver.4)
- Series: Xenosaga
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Max Factory
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Kan'u Unchou (Kanu Untyo Wet uniform Ver.)
- Series: IkkiTousen
- Scale: 1/6
- Manufacture: Griffon Enterprises
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Ryomou Shimei (Ikkitosen XX Lingerie Ryomo Pure White Ver.)
- Series: IkkiTousen
- Scale: 1/8
- Manufacture: Chara-Ani
- Photo: 1 | 2
- links: Hobby Search
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Banpresto
- Photo: n/a
- links: n/a
- Akira Yamamoto (F/SCALE YAMATO CREWS)
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Banpresto
- Photo: n/a
- links: n/a
- Honda Futayo (figma Honda Futayo)
- Series: Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Max Factory
- Photo: 1
- links: Hobby Search
- Zessica Wong (Figuarts Zero Zessica Wong)
- Series: Aquarion Evol
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Bandai
- Photo: 1
- links: Hobby Search
- Mio Sakamoto (Armor Girls Project Mio Sakamoto)
- Series: Strike Witches
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Bandai
- links: Hobby Search
- Miyafuji Yoshika (Armor Girls Project Miyafuji Yoshika Shinden Ver.)
- Series: Strike Witches
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Bandai
- links: Hobby Search
- Gertrud Barkhorn (Armor Girls Project Gertrud Barkhorn)
- Series: Strike Witches
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Bandai
- links: Hobby Search
- FF Mechanical Arts Fenrir
- Series: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: SQUARE ENIX
- links: Hobby Search
- Tachikoma (Revoltech Tachikima)
- Series: Ghost in the Shell: SAC
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Kaiyodo/Union Creative
- Photo: 1
- links: Hobby Search
- Motoko Kusanagi (figma Motoko Kusanagi)
- Series: Ghost in the Shell: SAC
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Max Factory
- Photo: 1
- links: Good Smile
- Solid Snake (figma Solid Snake: MGS2 ver.)
- Scale: n/a
- Manufacture: Max Factory
- Photo: 1
- links: Good Smile
MODELS: - Metal Gear REX (Metal Gear REX Black Ver. (Plastic model))
- Scale: 1/100
- Manufacture: Kotobukiya
- links: Hobby Search
- GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser + GN Sword III (Gundam Model Kits)
- Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
- Scale: 1/144
- Manufacture: Bandai
- links: Hobby Search
- XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero EW (Gundam Model Kits)
- Series: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
- Scale: 1/144
- Manufacture: Bandai
- links: Hobby Search
- ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam (Gundam Model Kits)
- Series: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny
- Scale: 1/144
- Manufacture: Bandai
- links: Hobby Search
other anime series not mentioned in other collection
- Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
- Akira
- Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie
- Vexille: 2077 Nihon Sakoku
- Wonderful Days
- Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
- Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit (DVD Complete Collection)
- Tower of Druaga Complete Collection
- CANAAN Complete Series
- Ah! My Goddess (DVD Complete 1st season)
- Love Hina (DVD Complete Collection (inc Xmas & Spring specials))
- Samurai Champloo Complete Series
- Mononoke Hime
- Blu-ray:
- Animatrix
- Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
- Cowboy Bebop Complete Collection
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IkkiTousen collection | Bakuretsu Tenshi | Shirow collection (+GitS) |
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Anime Collection |
- Artobooks:
- Ugetsu Hakua - Veronica
- other Ugetsu Hakua's atrworks
- other Shirow Masamune's artworks
- and other...
- Figures:
- Iris | Pieces 2 | link: Hobby Search
- Juliona Trans | Wild Wet West | link: Hobby Search
- Ai | Mahou Shoujo Ai | link: Hobby Search
- Kan'u Unchou | IkkiTousen
- Ryomou Shimei | IkkiTousen
- Chou'un Shiryuu | IkkiTousen
- Sonsaku Hakufu | IkkiTousen
- Sephiroth | Final Fantasy VII
- Tifa | Final Fantasy VII
- Lightning | Final Fantasy XIII
- Guts | Berserk
- Selvaria Bles | Valkyria Chronicles
- Yamamoto Akira | Space Battleship Yamato 2199 | link: HS
- Merda Dits | Space Battleship Yamato 2199 | link: HS
- and other...
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