Friday, December 30, 2016

Street Fighter X Tekken - Come get some

Hello everyone.
This is my last wallpaper in 2016 and my first in 4K (3840x2160).

This wallpaper was pretty fast made even if it dose have many layers. But I did not need to make any renders or similar things (and also using Razer Orbweaver for the keyboard shortcuts little speeds up)... all renders of characters and of the logo are from and like usual I did use the great brushes by SyanArt, plus also few assets by him.
I did not much planed to do this wallpaper, I wanted to do a different one, but when I saw the renders on tVGG I was like "Ok... finally I can make a wallpaper with Juri".
I hope you like it...
And everything good in the next year, I hope the year 2017 will be good for you ;)

Name: Come get some
Series: Street Fighter X Tekken
Resolution & Link:
3840x2160 (16:9) (new link)
(not working)

Wallpaper made from:
- 57 layers
-- 6 renders*
- 25 masks
- 2 adjustments
- 14 layer styles
- SyanArt (brushes & assets)

*they can be found in Street Fighter x Tekken gallery @